Raising the Vibe
Explore and discuss ways to raise our collective vibration. Let’s elevate our frequency and break the matrix! Even as we spread “peace and love, love and light” throughout the world.
About Us

Meet Our Host
Our host, Kimm, is a woman who wears many hats. She’s a mother of two young adults, a Harvard trained lawyer, a certified health coach, a podcaster, and an author and book publisher, among other endeavors. But Raising The Vibe is her passion!
Kimm has been on her spiritual journey for more than a decade now. Through study and meditation, she has learned invaluable information about what’s really going on in this world as opposed to what we’ve been told by those in power. She’s also learned various ways we can raise our frequency to become a higher and more conscious version of ourselves.
Raising The Vibe is the YouTube channel Kimm created to share the life-changing information she’s learned with our global audience. Along the way, she has also created companion TikTok and Instagram pages. On TikTok she exposes the hidden agendas of those in power, while she uses Instagram to inspire and motivate us all to be the best we can be. We encourage you to follow us on those platforms as well. You will find the links below at the bottom of this page.
On this website, we provide highlights of some of our Raising The Vibe YouTube videos. We also present various spiritual, cultural and other items for sale that have been specially selected by Kimm to help you raise your vibration. We hope you enjoy everything this website has to offer, and we welcome you to Raising the Vibe!